Monday 21 February 2011

Design Process - Character Breakdown

Character Breakdown

Charlotte and her family are only around for the first five episodes as they leave straight after Charlotte’s funeral. The soap would start the day before Charlotte commits suicide and the first episode would be an hour long building up the story and character’s profiles. The second episode would mainly be featured around Charlotte deciding to and taking her own life. Her parents are portrayed as high-class and pushy who blame society and the area for Charlottes death. 
The Hills
                - Izzie Hill is a popular and pretty girl at the local 6th form who hangs around with Charlotte, Maisie and Ella. However, she is secretly dating the older brother of local heart-throb Brad and is found out by Charlotte prior to her death. This storyline is one that will carry on after the death of Charlotte as Maisie begins to realise Charlotte didn’t quite keep it to herself. She is an only child, spoilt by her working class mother and father.
                - Rachel Hill is Izzie’s mum. She is the town’s hairdresser and gossiper, mostly talking about her ‘perfect daughter’. She believes appearance is number one and keeps her house modern and ‘pretty’, she also pushes her family to always consider their personal appearance.
                - Steven Hill is Izzie’s father and owns the local building company. He is a friendly man that everyone knows and get along with, he is often sympathized with for putting up with his materialistic wife.  Despite this, Steven and Rachel are very much in love and the hill’s lead a comfortable and happy life.
The Smiths
                - Bradley Smith is the stereotypical heart throb and jack the lad. A good looking teenager that is too clever for his own good and instead of trying at school choses to mess around and often get into trouble. Hangs around with Sam his ‘faithful sidekick’ and is occasionally joined by Smithy in school. He is in an on and off relationship with Maisie.
                - Oliver Smith is Bradley’s thirty-five year old brother, a business man who works away most of the time. He is wealthy and good-looking, a character that will develop with time as primarily not much is revealed about his past or career. He is having a secret relationship with college girl Izzie, the pair think themselves to be in love and live in fear of their relationship being exposed by Charlotte.
                -  Heather Smith is the mother of Bradley and Oliver. Her husband has recently left her and she is now juggling her time between working with Rachel Hill at the hair salon, motherhood and the delights of being single.
The Godwin’s
                - Ella Goodwin is the stereotypical troubled young woman having recently discovered she is adopted. Not wanting to reveal the truth to her friends, Maisie, Izzie and Charlotte she tries to cover up her discovery and cope with her determined birth mother who wants to meet her. She is the nicest of the young girls and gets on with everyone.
                - Paul Goodwin is Ella’s adoptive Father. He works with Steven at the local builders and keeps his work and private life as separate as possible. He is middle-aged and also coaches the local football club. Neither him nor his wife are happy about Ella’s determined birth mother trying to push her way into their lives.
                - Julie Goodwin is a middle-aged ‘frumpy’ woman who works part-time at the BeachCafé! whilst looking after her daughters. She adores her young ‘miracle’ Emma but maintains a fair relationship with both daughters. She like, her husband, does not agree with Ella’s interfering birth mother and wants to protect with ‘daughter’ Ella from her past.
                - Emma Goodwin the two year old birth daughter of Julie and Paul.

The Bee’s
                - Maisie Bee is the stereotypical high class teenager, she believes herself to be above the rest of her friends but is secretly thrilled they have accepted her. Although an annoying character she would do anything for her friends. She, like Izzie, has a family who believes appearance is crucial.
                - Jessica Bee and Mason Bee are Maisie’s four year old twin siblings.
                - Stanley Bee is Maisie’s slightly ‘mad’ granddad who created the families wealth via a range of his own business’s. He is now looked after by Faye Bee, his daughter in law.
                - Stan Bee is Maisie’s father and the stereotypical wealthy business man, he is a much more 2D character who mostly works away. Although he loves his father and family his business and wealth come first, something Faye is deeply unhappy with but hides via her snobbery attitude to the locals.
                - Faye Bee is Maisie’s Mother, she looks after Maisie’s younger siblings, her husband’s father and also works part time in The Submarine. She hides her hectic, unhappy lifestyle by being a snob and looking down on everybody else.
The Pectching’s                - Paul Petching is the stereotypical entrepreneur yet he is middle aged and career driven yet remains a happy family man. He is black is determined his children will not forget their Caribbean roots, an on-going storyline featured in the Soap for a comedy effect.
                - Clare Petching is Pauls wife and runs the BeachCafé!, although she wants to put her own ‘mark on it’. She is primarily introduced as a beautiful, friendly woman yet as the soap develops it becomes clear she is extremely manipulative and uses her beauty to her advantage.
                - Hope Petching and Damien Petching are the 13 and 10 year old children of Paul and Clare. Although 2D characters they do occasionally appear in the soap, especially in the on-going storyline involving their dad and his want for them to remember where he comes from.
The Wrights
                - Jenny Wright is the stereotypical single mum trying to make it work for herself and her 10 year old son, Matthew - a friend of Damien Petching. She is a thirty year old woman who is currently dating one of the builders from Steven Hills Company. She also manages and live above The Submarine, she is a strong female character who gets along with everyone in the town.
                - Dora Wright is Jenny’s Grandmother and the oldest member of the community. She works part-time at the BeachCafe! and refuses to retire despite her age. Although she annoys some of the younger characters she is a loved and witty member if the community.
                - Matthew Wright is the ten year old son of Jenny. Although not that clever he is a good-hearted and lively young boy best friend’s with Damien Petching.

Other characters
                -Becca Oliver is the stereotypical chav yet she is given a chance when Paul offers her a job working at both his businesses. She is desperate to take the chance and get on the ‘the straight and narrow’ by ending things with her Polish boyfriend Lec; a 2D character who is only around for three episodes.
                - Mr Johnson is kind and old teacher who is often seen by the students around the town. He is good friends with Dora Wright and they often enjoy comical conversations about the ‘Good Old Days’. The students respect and listen to him as he represented as extremely witty and intelligent.
                - Mr James is the stereotypical middle-aged, strict teacher. The students do not get along with this teacher and instead try their hardest to ruin his lessons, yet being a strict teacher, he always wins. He lives out of town comfortably with his wife and two young children, despises where he works and shows this via his constant grumpiness.
                - Mr Bretnall is a young teacher who has been teaching at the school for four years. He is the friendly tutor of the year 12’s : Charlotte, Maisie, Izzie, Ella, Brad, Sam and Smithy earning him the respect with most of the year twelve students. He later falls in love with Jenny Wright.
                - Mrs Sharpe is the Head Teacher of the school, she is middle aged and plays the stereotypical strong female Soap character. She is a sharp woman, with slightly weird dress sense who lives in town with her husband. She thoroughly enjoys her job and takes pride in her ‘modern’ ways of teaching and diverse range students.
                - Miss Loval is the newest teacher – young and pretty. She is new to the town and school and finding her place in the community and school. She later helps Smithy with his drug problems and finally feels like she belongs in Cliffside

                - Ms. Kien is the stereotypical teacher – middle aged, strict when need be and kind when need be. She gets on with all her colleagues but refuses to tell anyone anything  about her private life. 

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