Monday 21 February 2011

Design Process - Charlotte & The First Two Episodes

Charlotte & The First Two Episodes
Although Charlotte is dead by the second episode she is an important character whose death causes implications for a long time after it actually happens. The first episode will explain the trailer, showing the different scenarios featured in more depth and explaining why the young teenager felt death was her only escape. We chose such a controversial trailer we knew it would attract a diverse audience. The teenage generation would be attracted as they saw themselves or friends in the Charlotte and then older generation would be attracted due to the controversial storylines. Charlotte commits suicide as the two very different worlds she lives in began to collide and it was clear she could no longer keep them separate. The second episode would develop the footage from the trailer showing her final decision to commit suicide and the walk to the rocks where actually commits suicide.

The first episode would explain, in depth, her character; showing an edgy female dealing with the gritty teenage life and very strict, expecting parents. We chose to include so many themes and storylines as this is how real life is and Soap Operas need to be as realistic as possible. The first scenario being her boyfriend Smithy – she believes her loves her, as she herself, loves him deeply - yet it becomes clear to the audience he does not love her and their relationship is ruled by his drug-use. She is blinded by the Smithy who is happy and high on drugs and does not see the desperate, cruel Smithy who does not care for her. The first episode would use dramatic irony as the audience already know she is pregnant and cannot contemplate an abortion via an introduction of her writing in her diary. She waits until once their recent argument is over and they are at peace with each other before texting Smithy and revealing she is pregnant only for the reply ‘I don’t care’. Her second scenario is dealing with the secrets of her other friends, she already knows about Ella’s adoption as she has accidently read the letter from her birth mother explained via instant messages between the pair showing Ella falling out with her. She then goes for a walk after she is ‘dis-owned’ by her boyfriend and friend and stumbles upon the Secret affair of Izzie and Oliver. Izzie is devastated her secret has been discovered and explains to Charlotte that she loves him. In fear Charlotte won’t keep her secret she threatens to tell Charlottes parents about Charlotte’s relationship with Smithy, knowing they would not allow it. Charlotte now feels she has lost yet another friend. Once she returns home she is confronted by her mum who has received a phone call from her tutor Mr Bretnall wondering why Charlotte has not been into school. Charlotte’s mother rants at her, blaming the area they live in and Charlotte’s friends for her behaviour – in a fit of rage her mother says she hates charlotte and no longer recognises her daughter. Charlotte realises she cannot confide in her mother about her pregnancy and decides to sleep on her decision. The next day Charlotte avoids her friends and Smithy at school in the belief everyone hates her, she is corned by her tutor, Mr Bretnall, who asks her to stay behind after school. In a conversation with him she almost reveals her inner turmoil and problems but then shut off again, saying “you can’t help me anyway”. The episode ends with Mr Bretnall telling her if she carries on she will fail and she storms off slamming the door. It is this final scenario where her choice of suicide is alluded to – the fast pace of the different scenarios is used to create tension and make the audience sympathise with Charlotte.

The second episode would begin with a mid-shot of Charlotte writing a note – her suicide note. Like the trailer this note would be read over the shots showing her walking to the rocks where she commits suicide, this would create suspense amongst the audience and heighten the sad atmosphere. The walk to the rocks would start from Charlotte leaving her house and follow her right up until she is on the top rocks and jumps, in between this sequence the soap would cut to other action such as Izzie and Oliver worrying about their secret being told, the teachers at school talking about her decreasing effort and progress and her mum finding her suicide note and trying to catch up with her – but failing. This episode would end with Charlotte’s mother shouting to her but Charlotte still jumping off the rocks with one last look behind her. This would keep the audience interested and rating figures high as it is a twist that was not hinted at during the trailer. By starting the Soap with such a controversial storyline it will attract a large number of viewers and hopefully a diverse range due to the different storylines. The implications of Charlottes death will be seen in many of the episodes that follow and it will set the scene for the controversial yet realistic Soap Opera.

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