Monday 21 February 2011

Design Process - Shooting Schedule

Our filming schedule was varied due to improvements and settings. Primarily we filmed the footage of the end scene (the suicide) and the introduction montage of shots, which featured a beach setting; these were filmed first as we had to travel to a seaside town as we do not live near one. This meant that we had to carefully plan what to film whilst there. We created other scenes such as walking down the beach, hand-held footage on a rollercoaster and close-ups of ice-cream - all shots that held indexical references to a seaside setting. We filmed these extra’s and many others because the seaside setting meant we could only travel there the once, although a lot of the footage was discarded because we filled two tapes, it meant we had a lot of footage to chose from - ensuring that our shots were to the best quality.
After filming the footage set in the seaside town we filmed each section when the appropriate characters were available, this meant that they were not filmed in order but were edited together in appropriate order later on. Some sections such as the one with Maisie and Ella were filmed more than once with different actors to ensure that the footage was to the best possible quality. The café scene including Charlotte and Ella was the last scene to be added. Once all the footage had been uploaded and edited so that only the useable shots remained we decided that another section, featuring these characters was needed in order to develop their relationship making the plot of the trailer clearer.
Once all the footage has been uploaded and cut the editing was then started, transitions, the speeding up or slowing down of footage, the variation of brightness and colour and other techniques were added for continuity, or to create a mood or atmosphere that the viewer would pick up on. The sound was then edited where need, such as during the non-diegetic speech; and also in the café scene as background noise was evident. The parallel soundtrack was added last and altered so that the diegetic speech was heard.

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